Entry #2 The benefits of AI
Artificial intelligence has always been a controversial topic. Is it a good or bad thing? Depending on your stance and opinions on AI you could say it's good, bad, or probably even a little bit of both. The advancement of artificial intelligence has grown substantially and not just in everyday things like machines, ChatGPT, or random miscellaneous things. It has made an impact in the medical field that will help further our understanding of many things or making simple tasks even easier. The use of AI has been welcomed by doctors and nurses making things easier for them. WGU provides several topics about why artificial intelligence is helpful in more ways than one but for today's purpose it will be focused on how its benefited the medical world. AI has made it easier and much more accessible for doctors to understand and see any issues their patients may have. An example used in WGU that relates to this is, "...doctors can track a diabetic ...