Entry #1 Impacts and Benefits of Reading

  As a child, I always enjoyed reading, sitting down for hours, and immersing myself in whatever book I could get my hands on. As I've gotten older, my love for reading has not diminished, but rather the amount of spare time I have. As the years have passed, my time for it has decreased, causing me to not be able to fully enjoy doing it in my spare time. Although that is the case for now, I still really enjoy reading. It was a way for me to help pass time and reduce any stress I had, and I enjoyed expanding my vocabulary. Reading helped shape and impact my likes and dislikes, my concentration levels, and broaden my imagination. There was no limit to my imagination when I was reading. The way you perceive reading could impact you similarly to me or in a completely different way. There isn't a limit to how reading can be impactful or beneficial. 

Reading isn't just words on paper with no meaning; you have to use your imagination and expand your mind. Be open to the thought of different things that, in the long run, could be beneficial to you in more than one way. In Bibliolifestyle, the author talks about a wide range of benefits that could occur. Some of those would be, "It provides an opportunity to explore multiple topics and ideas and gives you a chance to understand different perspectives and gain insight into other cultures." If that is something you would be interested in, there's no downside to giving it a try.

More mental benefits of reading could include expanding your vocabulary, which is also one of my favorite things about reading. Or strengthening your brain, preventing cognitive decline, or boosting your concentration levels. There's more to reading than just enjoyment; there are actual benefits that could last a lifetime. The author of Healthline goes into more depth:, "As your reading ability matures, those networks also get stronger and more sophisticated."

When it comes to reading, there is no limit, including your imagination or your mental and emotional capacities. Reading helped me as I grew and continues to be a part of my life in my spare time and during school. With a wide range of genres, topics, and styles, there is one that could be a match for you, your likes, and possibly your desires. Engage with all the possibilities, and out of all the positive outcomes that occur, one or possibly more could impact you and be beneficial in the long run. 

Benefits of reading books

Benefits of reading books

5 Benefits of Reading Aloud

Graphic with text, "5 benefits of reading aloud."


  1. That is cute that your love for reading has always been strong, even as a young child. I also loved reading as a child, but unfortunately I have fallen out of love greatly with reading since then. By the looks of what your blog says, I should definitely try to get back to reading again! It is extremely beneficial.

  2. Hello there! I'd be lying if I said that reading is close activity for me, but your post really makes me give for book another chance and try. Nice work!

  3. I love reading as well. The images you found here are interesting; integrate them into the body of your entry where they are connected to your points instead of just dropping them at the bottom of the post. Don't forget to include citation/image source information for any images.

    1. Also, the middle paragraph changes to black font which makes it unreadable.


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