Entry #8 Procrastination

     Almost everyone has put something off and waited until the last minute to do something and it becomes a cycle. Procrastination is a difficult habit to break but after doing it one too many times it got tiring trying to keep up. If you are currently dealing with procrastination and can't seem to stop there are a few ways to help diminish or possibly stop it all together. Changing your environment, eliminating distractions, and setting goals/small tasks are some out of many. 

woman relaxing on couch when there is work to be done

How to Stop Procrastinating

Although staying in bed or somewhere comfortable is tempting it is best to stay away from areas that bring too much comfort. Ideally, it is best to be in an area where there is plenty of work space, where getting lazy or too comfortable isn't so tempting, and isn't so distracting. A change in environment can make it easier to be more productive and help break the cycle of distractions.

    Dealing with distractions is a huge part of procrastination. Getting distracted and moving your focus elsewhere deters you from getting what needs to be done. In 8 Tips to Avoid Procrastination, a tip given is holding yourself accountable when it comes to distractions. Going out of your way to eliminate this issue helps with finishing the task and completing the set goal. Whether it is working in a different room, going to a coffee shop, or even a library, changing your environment allows for a fresh work space. 

Another one of the main reasons procrastination is so tempting is because of how overwhelming the task may seem or from overestimating its difficulty. Making lists or breaking down the tasks is a helpful way to make it seem less intimidating and even rewards are a great way to motivate yourself to get it done. How to Stop Procrastinating goes into more detail about the reward system and even gives an example of how it works. The reward can be anything you like such as watching a show, buying yourself something new, or even a nap. Whatever system works best for you to make it seem less intimidating is the best way. 

How to Stop Procrastination

We've all been there, scrambling to get the work done last minute whether it's satisfactory or not at least it was completed. After a while it becomes a habit and becomes very repetitive but there are ways to help prevent this behavior. Adjusting your environment, making sure there are no distractions around you, and setting up a goals possibly with a reward system if needed. There are many ways to help with dealing with such a habit what may work for you may not work for someone else. Although it may be very tempting there are always ways to help break this habit. 


  1. Greetings! I found your post very useful, especially because you add into it some links for sources that could help readers dive deeper into the topic, so as for me you did a really good job with it.

  2. i agree that procrastination does become a habit because it has became my habit. It gets really bad and then your stuck on the work 10 minutes before its due. I enjoyed this blog and found it right and very helpfull.

  3. Hugely important topic especially at this point in the semester. Insightful and encouraging information. Have you managed to adjust any of your habits as a result of this information?


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